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  • 孙 浩

    性 别 :男


    系 别:机械设计系

    学 位:博士

    职 称:校聘教授

  • 详细资料














    2012/09-2014/09Columbia University in the City of New York,工学院,国家建设高水平大学公派博士研究生












    11)期刊审稿人:Microsystems Nanoengineering, Lab on a Chip, ISA Transactions, Analytical Chemistry, Analytica Chimica Acta, Analyst, Journal of Micromechanics Microengineering, Analytical Methods

    12) 国际知名期刊Frontiers in Robotics and AI编委







    1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(主持),2017-2019

    2. 国家重点研发计划课题(副组长、主研,排名第二),2022-2025

    3. 国家重点研发计划课题(主研,排名第二),2022-2025

    4. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(主持),2022-2023

    5. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(主持),2022-2023

    6. 福建省科技重大专项(参与),2022-2025

    7. 福建省科技重大专项(参与),2021-2024

    8. 福建省科技计划引导性项目(主持),2021-2023

    9. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(主持),2016-2019

    10. 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划(主持),2017-2019

    11. 福建省青年科技创新项目(主持),2016-2017

    12. 工业和信息化部高新技术船舶科研重大专项高校子课题(主持),2018-2019

    13. 工业和信息化部试点示范项目高校子课题(主持),2018-2019

    14. 江苏省机器人技术重点实验室基金(主持),2019-2021

    15. 广西快乐双彩校人才基金项目(主持),2016

    16. 航天科工跨院间智慧农业重点专项项目(参与),2019-2022

    17. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(参与),2017-2019

    18. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(参与),2020-2023

    19. 福建省青年科技创新项目(参与),2016-2017

    20. 中科华核电技术研究院课题(参与),2015-2016

    21. 973项目:核事故救灾灵巧作业(参与),2014-2017

    22. 中国空间技术研究院总体部课题(参与),2012-2014




    1. Hao Sun, Linghu Xiong, Yi Huang, Xinkai Chen, Yongjian Yu, Shaozhen Ye Hui Dong*, Yuan Jia, Wenwei Zhang. AI-aided on-chip nucleic acid assay for smart diagnosis of infectious disease. Fundamental Research (国家自然科学基金委主办、主管学术期刊), 2022, 2(3): 476-486.

    2. Shijie Yu, Yuan Jing, Yi Fan, Linghu Xiong, Huimeng Wang, Jinmei Lei, Yunmao Zhang, Jing Liu, Shuli Wang, Xinyu Chen, Hao Sun, and Xu Hou*. Ultrahigh efficient emulsification with drag-reducing liquid gating interfacial behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (美国国家科学院院刊 IF=12.779, Top, Q1), 2022, 119(29): e2206462119.

    3. Hao Sun*, Yuan Jia, Hui Dong, Longxiang Fan. Graphene oxide nanosheets coupled with paper microfluidics for enhanced on-site airborne trace metal detection. Microsystems Nanoengineering (Nature出版集团首份工程领域顶级期刊, IF=8.006, Top, Q1), 2019, 5(1), 1-12.

    4. Hao Sun*, Qinghua Jiang, Yi Huang, Jin Mo, Wantao Xie, Hui Dong, Yuan Jia. Integrated smart analytics of nucleic acid amplification tests via paper microfluidics and deep learning in cloud computing. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (IF=5.076, Q2), 2023, 83: 104721.

    5. Liyuan Ma, Xipeng Xu, Changcai Cui*, Jingyi Lu, Qifeng Hua, Hao Sun. Automated screening of COVID-19 using two-dimensional variational mode decomposition and locally linear embedding. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (IF=5.076, Q2), 2022, 78: 103889.

    6. Miao Wang*, Lei Zhou, Wenyan Deng, Yaqi Hou, Wen He, Lejian Yu, Hao Sun*, Lei Ren*, Xu Hou*, Ultrafast Response and Programmable Locomotion of Liquid/Vapor/Light-Driven Soft Multi-Functional Actuators. ACS Nano (IF=18.027, Top, Q1), 2022, 16(2): 2672-2681.

    7. Hui Dong, Bo Hu, Weikang Zhang, Wantao Xie, Jin Mo, Hao Sun, Junyi Shang. Robotic-assisted automated in situ bioprinting. International Journal of Bioprinting (IF=7.4, Q1), 2022, 9 (1), 629.

    8. Yuan Jia*, Zhixing Zhang, Cheng Wang, Hao Sun*, Wenwei Zhang. Design and parameter study of a thermoelectric generator for waste heat recycling in flexible micro-light-emitting diodes. Applied Thermal Engineering (IF=6.465, Top, Q1), 2022, 200: 117568.

    9. Yuan Jia*, Hao Sun*, Jinpeng Tia, Qiuming Song, Wenwei Zhang. Paper-Based Point-of-Care Testing of SARS-CoV-2, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (受邀, IF= 6.064, Q1). 2021, 9.

    10. Yuan Jia*, Hao Sun*, Hui Dong, Cheng Wang, Xiezhao Lin. Scalable and parallelized biochemical assays in paper devices integrated with a programmable binary valve matrix. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (IF=9.221, Top, Q1), 2020, 321: 128466.

    11. Hao Sun*, Yuan Jia, Hui Dong, Dibo Dong, Jianping Zheng. Combining additive manufacturing with microfluidics: an emerging method for developing novel organs-on-chips. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28: 1-9. (受邀, IF=6.117, Q1).


    1. Hao Sun, Hui Dong, Yuan Jia. Array type paper chip for 2019-nCoV virus high-throughput detection and manufacturing method of array type paper chip. Grant Number: 11364494. 授予国别:美国.

    2. Hao Sun, Hui Dong, Yuan Jia. Array type paper chip for 2019-nCoV virus high-throughput detection and manufacturing method of array type paper chip. Grant Number: AU2020104434A4. 授予国别:澳大利亚.

    3. Hao Sun, Haichao Li, Hui Dong, Yuan Jia, Jin Mo, Wantao Xie. Hand-held nucleic acid detection microfluidic device with parallel light path design and working method thereof. Grant Number: 2022/07250. 授予国别:南非.

    4. Hao Sun, Haichao Li, Hui Dong, Yuan Jia, Jin Mo, Wantao Xie. Infectious disease detection device based on mechanicaltransmission and pcr technology and working method thereof. Grant Number: 2022/09642. 授予国别:南非.

    5. Hao Sun, Haichao Li, Hui Dong, Yuan Jia, Jin Mo, Wantao Xie. Intelligent qpcr instrument detection system based on image recognition technology. Number: 2022/09551. 授予国别:南非.

    6. Hao Sun, Haichao Li, Hui Dong, Yuan Jia, Jin Mo, Wantao Xie. Droplet digital pcr fluorescence acquisition system based on mechanical motion. Number: 2022/09872. 授予国别:南非.

    7. Hao Sun, Haichao Li, Hui Dong, Yuan Jia, Jin Mo, Wantao Xie. Paper-based microfluidic chip for qpcr and manufacturing method thereof. Number: 2022/09813. 授予国别:南非.

    8. Hui Dong, Hao Sun, Ben Liu. High-gap agricultural mobile platformand operation method thereof. Grant Number: 2030154. 授予国别:荷兰.

    9. Hui Dong, Hao Sun, Ben Liu, Xinkai Chen, Xubing Li. Mobile operation robot for field management and working method thereof. Grant Number: 2022/00997. 授予国别:南非.

    10. Hui Dong, Hao Sun. Cotton topping robot system and working method thereof. Grant Number: LU502341. 授予国别:卢森堡.

